Miraç Lütfullah Gülgönül

VHDL Simulation Workflow in macOS

02 April 2019

The XILINX Vivado Design Suite does not work natively on the macOS platform, so you can not upload your code to your development board. What you can do, however, is to run simulations of your VHDL code. This post will show how to do it using ghdl and gtkwave.



The first thing you have to do is install GHDL, which is “the open-source compiler and simulator for VHDL”. It can be downloaded from the releases tab in their GitHub repo. The downloaded .tar archive will have bin, include and lib folders. After moving the contents of these files to somewhere in your $PATH, (for example usr/local/bin) you can check if the setup is working.

$~ which ghdl

$~ ghdl --version
GHDL 0.36-dev (20181129) [Dunoon edition]
 Compiled with GNAT Version: GPL 2017 (20170515-63)
 mcode code generator
Written by Tristan Gingold.

Copyright (C) 2003 - 2015 Tristan Gingold.
GHDL is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License.  There is NO


To be able to view the resulting waveforms, you can use gtkwave. On macOS systems, it can easily be installed via brew cask install gtkwave. After the installation is completed, gtkwave.app will be available in your default Applications folder.


Let’s use a simple half-adder circuit coded in VHDL.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity half_adder is
    A : in std_logic;
    B : in std_logic;
    S : out std_logic;
    C : out std_logic
end half_adder;

architecture RTL of half_adder is
        S <= A XOR B;
        C <= A AND B;
end RTL;

To simulate this code, you will need a test-bench module. Here’s an example:

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity half_adder_tb is
end entity;

architecture Behavioural of half_adder_tb is

    constant c_WAIT : time := 20 ns;
    signal r_input_a : std_logic := '0';
    signal r_input_b : std_logic := '0';
    signal r_output_s : std_logic := '0';
    signal r_output_c : std_logic := '0';

    component half_adder is
        A : in std_logic;
        B : in std_logic;
        S : out std_logic;
        C : out std_logic

    end component half_adder;

        UUT : half_adder
        port map (
        A => r_input_a,
        B => r_input_b,
        S => r_output_s,
        C => r_output_c

        p_comb : process is
                wait for c_WAIT;
                r_input_a <= '0';
                r_input_b <= '0';

                wait for c_WAIT;
                r_input_a <= '0';
                r_input_b <= '1';

                wait for c_WAIT;
                r_input_a <= '1';
                r_input_b <= '0';

                wait for c_WAIT;
                r_input_a <= '1';
                r_input_b <= '1';

            end process;

end Behavioural;

The files are named half_adder.vhd and half_adder_tb.vhd. To run the simulation, first you have to analyse and elaborate the source files.

ghdl -a half_adder.vhd
ghdl -e half_adder

ghdl -a half_adder_tb.vhd
ghdl -e half_adder_tb

Notice how the elaborate commands do not have the file extensions in their parameters. Finally, we can run the simulation and output the results in a fst file to be opened by gtkwave.

ghdl -r half_adder_tb --stop-time=200ns  --fst=half_adder.fst
open half_adder.fst

The open command will launch gtkwave and there you can see the waveform results of the simulation. Simply by dragging your signals from the left bar, you can observe them.

And there it is! You can now easily simulate your code in macOS before downloading it to your hardware.


Running each specific ghdl command can be a bit tedious. You can write a simple bash script to automate some of the task. For example, the following script takes the main module name - half_adder in this case - and a stop time for the simulation. I gave it the name mhdl, so I can simply run mhdl half_adder 200ns


ghdl -a $1.vhd
ghdl -e $1

ghdl -a $1_tb.vhd
ghdl -e $1_tb

ghdl -r $1_tb --stop-time=$2 --fst=$1.fst

open $1.fst




